Apple's A6 chip development detailed
Analyst Linley Gwennap explains the development Apple's A6 in the iPhone 5.

How did Apple arrive at the A6 chip in the iPhone 5? A longtime chip analyst documents the long and winding road.
While endorsing a report that the A6 is a unique Apple design, Linley Gwennap, who heads The Linley Group, a chip consultancy, posted a brief history of the A6's chip estimated $500-million-plus development effort in a research note on Saturday.
Some of the history has been documented before, but other parts are not as well known.
Gwennap's firm is the publisher of the Microprocessor Report and it frequently holds conferences on mobile chips.
Here are some of the highlights of Gwennap's post:
- StrongARM: Apple's interest doing its own central processing unit (CPU) design dates back to its $278 million acquisition of PA Semi in April 2008. Some of the team members had previously worked on low-power StrongArm processors under PA Semi CEO Dan Dobberpuhl at Digital Equipment (DEC) in the 1990s. The "CPU design team had developed a high-performance PowerPC processor under the leadership of Jim Keller and Pete Bannon."
- ARM architecture license: Within a month of the PA Semi deal, "Apple secretly signed an architecture license with ARM that allowed the company to develop its own ARM-compatible CPUs, becoming one of the few companies in the world with that right."
- "Insanely great" runs into the laws of physics: One group of PA Semi employees worked on the Apple A4 chip using an ARM CPU core, while another group began "defining the microarchitecture for the new CPU." Steve Jobs' input, needless to say, set the pace. Jobs "initially set an 'insanely great' bar for the performance of the new CPU, but he eventually realized that his CPU team was limited by the same laws of physics that apply to everyone else," Gwennap wrote, citing a "source."
- Departures: In March 2010, PA Semi's Dobberpuhl left Apple as did others in that time frame, such as COO Leo Joseph and VP of System Architecture Mark Hayter, "causing reports that the CPU design team was dissolving. But at PA Semi, Dobberpuhl and Joseph were involved mainly on the business side, and Hayter worked at the SoC (system-on-a-chip) level and not on the CPU, so these departures were not as significant as they appeared."
- Keller, Bannon, Williams : "Keller and Bannon continued to lead Apple's chip development...In February 2010, the company hired Gerard Williams, an ARM Fellow who was the technical lead for the Cortex-A8 and Cortex-A15 CPUs; Williams became Apple's chief CPU architect." Keller left Apple and went to AMD.
- A6: By early 2010, the team was done with the A6 microarchitecture design and started the physical-design phase. "To bolster its physical-design capabilities" Apple bought chip design house Intrinsity for about $120 million in April 2010. "This deal brought in an experienced team of chip designers that specialized in high-speed physical design, having just finished boosting the speed of Samsung's Hummingbird CPU (which Apple used in its A4 processor). The A6 taped out about a year later, and Apple received the first samples last summer. To support the iPhone 5 launch, the new processor must have been cleared for production around June," Gwennap wrote.
- North of $500 million spent: Apple spent about $400 million to buy PA Semi and Intrinsity, tens of millions for an ARM CPU license, and probably more than $100 million to support its CPU design efforts over a span of four years. "It appears that the end result will be that Apple ships a Cortex-A15-class CPU about three months before arch-enemy Samsung does."
So, what's Apple up to next? Gwennap believes Apple will have to do a new CPU design every two years, not unlike Intel's cadence.
Apple's next CPU "will likely implement the 64-bit ARMv8 instruction set," he wrote.
新一代iPhone 5采用了苹果自主研发的A6处理器,芯片咨询公司The Linley Group上周六在一份研究报告中介绍了A6处理器的研发历程,苹果已故创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)曾在处理器研发中设定了极高的性能标准,但也不得不屈服于物理定律。
此前报道将A6誉为是苹果妒忌设计,The Linley Group分析师林里·格文奈普(Linley Gwennap)在报告中介绍了苹果研发该处理器的历程和走过的弯路。The Linley Group是微处理器报告的出版商,也经常举办移动芯片会议。
--StrongARM 处理器。苹果开发自主中央处理器(CPU)的兴趣要追溯到2008年4月以2.78亿美元收购芯片公司PA Semi。部分团队成员曾经在PA Semi CEO丹·多波普尔(Dan Dobberpuhl)的带领下在上世纪90年代在迪吉多公司(DEC)开发过低功耗StrongArm处理器。“处理器设计团队已经在苹果架构师吉姆· 凯勒(Jim Keller)和皮特·巴农(Pete Bannon)的领导下开发出来高性能PowerPC处理器 ”。
--ARM架构授权。在与PA Semi达成协议的一个月内,“苹果秘密与ARM签订了架构授权协议,允许苹果开发兼容ARM架构的处理器,成为当时取得授权的少数几家公司之一”。
-- 乔布斯屈服物理定律。一组PA Semi员工使用ARM处理器核心为苹果开发A4处理器,另一组则“定义新处理器的微架构”。毫无疑问,乔布斯掌控着开发进度。乔布斯“最初对新处理器的性能提出了‘疯狂’的要求,但他最终意识到处理器团队受限于适用于任何产品的物理定律。”格文奈普引用消息称。
-- 高管离职。2010年3月,PA Semi CEO多波普尔、COO莱奥·约瑟夫(Leo Joseph)以及系统架构副总裁马克·海特(Mark Hayter)相继离职,这使得外界有报道称苹果处理器设计团队将要解散。其实在PA Semi公司,多波普尔和约瑟夫主要负责商业领域,而海特则专注于片上系统(SoC),而不是中央处理器。
--威廉姆斯加盟苹果。凯勒和巴农继续领导苹果芯片的开发。2010年2月,苹果聘请了ARM Cortex-A8和Cortex-A15架构的技术领导者杰拉德·威廉姆斯(Gerard Williams)。威廉姆斯成为苹果首席处理器架构师,凯勒从苹果离职,加盟AMD。
--A6。 2010年初,开发团队完成了A6的微架构设计,开始物理设计阶段。为了维持物理设计功能,苹果在2010年4月以1.2亿美元收购了芯片设计公司 Intrinsity。“该交易使得苹果获得了专注于高速物理设计、经验丰富的芯片设计师团队,这些设计师刚刚完成了对三星Hummingbird处理器的速度提升,一些技术也被应用在了苹果A4处理器中。一年后,A6处理器完成流片(taped out)。苹果也在去年夏天获得了首个样品芯片。为了用于iPhone 5中,新处理器必须清除一切障碍在6月份投产。”格文奈普称。
蘋果砸重金研發A6晶片 比三星早一季推出超先進設備 專家:划算!
蘋果 ( (US-AAPL) ) 4年前踏上了一條危險之路,蘋果花費約莫3億美元收購一家垂死掙扎的晶片設計公司PA Semi,這場交易示意蘋果打算為自家產品(如iPhone)設計晶片。
但以現在iPhone 5獲得的評論來看,蘋果這4年的賭注是押對寶了。
迄今市面上的iPhone和 iPad都是搭載蘋果的A4和A5晶片,蘋果並沒有透露太多這些晶片的資訊,但配有X光設備的分析師指出,這些晶片的設計顯然多數取經自三星 (三星設計自家手機晶片,且為蘋果製造晶片)。
一直到iPhone 5,裡面搭載的A6晶片有蘋果產品的全部特徵。根據半導體分析師兼Linley Group創辦人Linley Gwennap表示,蘋果2010年初就完成了A6晶片設計的核心,之後蘋果付了1.2億美元收購晶片設計公司Intrinsity,這是曾經技術支援三星某些產品的公司。到2011年夏季之前,蘋果已經有了A4晶片的初階版並邁向在三星工廠全面生產。
蘋果的對手之一Google ( (US-GOOG) ) 到目前為止還不願意設計自家晶片,和Nokia (諾基亞) ( (US-NOK) ) 和宏達電一樣,他們都是仰賴Qualcomm (高通) ( (US-QCOM) ) 和 Nvidia ( (US-NVDA) )的晶片,但若將風險和費用納入考慮的,這種方式事實上更可怕。
Gwennap舉例說明,蘋果花費4億美元以上買下PA Semi 和 Intrinsity,以及花數千萬美元取得英國安謀 ( (US-ARMH) )的晶片架構授權(每個手機晶片幾乎都含有安謀的基本智慧財產權),也就是過去4年中,蘋果每年都得為晶片研發工作付出1億美元以上。
Gwennap:「這3個月正好碰上了假期購物季,iPhone 5可望為蘋果帶來 250億美元的營收,所以區區5億美元不到的投資,划算至極。」
這麼強勢的公司,當然可以自己投入自主研發實力。更何況現在作IC 也不是什麼
多專業領域,就非得要IC 設計公司才能作啊。
所以啦,搞IC 設計公司最好的出路就是:好好的專注本身技術提昇,做出屬於自己的
專業核心價值,然後呢?!就找機會賣公司給這些大公司啦。 :)) ....