補充一下市面上有提供這個產品的解決方案之MCU ...
Microchip 算是我最近才發現的。
至於以下的那個Mororola (Freescale ) 及SGS-Thomson 的...都是已經很古老的老資料了。
(三) 單晶片與引擎控制 (三)--- 歷史篇
我說的當然不是大家K 這些Application Notes 就可以了,我說了:
要怎麼搞定這些東西....原理不難,硬體不難--- 重點還是在於系統整合。
以Microchip 網頁之資料來看:那是用PIC16 ?!還是PIC18 ?!...
那又到底是哪一棵MCU 比較適合?!...

那我用 32 bit 的ARM 不是更好嗎?!.....

那從以下這些資料,我們又看到MCU 的基本功能需求是什麼?!
所以啦~這些賣MCU 的,只是隨隨便便的劃兩張示意圖就沒事了。
Digital Capacitive Discharge Ignition
The Two-Wheelers industry comprised of scooters, motorcycles and mopeds, commonly use an engine ignition system based on capacitive discharge method. The Capacitive Discharge Ignition(CDI) system utilizes the energy transferred from magneto to a storage capacitor. When released as a high voltage pulse via a step-up transformer to a spark plug which ignites the fuel mixture inside the cylinder. The digital CDI allows the user to monitor the speed of the engine to calculate the accurate timing for the spark which increases engine efficiency, saves energy and reduces emissions.

Design Considerations
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